What is a crown?
A crown is a tooth shaped ‘cap’ that is placed on top of a tooth which restores the tooth to it’s original anatomy.
When might you need a crown?
A crown is used to reinforce the tooth which may be fragile following a root canal therapy, to protect a tooth from further cracks or to restore a decayed tooth that has lost a lot of it’s original tooth structure.
What happens during a crown procedure?
A crown is usually done over two appointments, in the first appointment the dentist will remove approximately 1mm of the outer layer of your tooth and take a mould of your mouth so it can be sent to a lab to be made, if the crown is being made for a front tooth, the dentist may also take some photos so the crown can be painted/stained to look as similar as possible to your adjacent teeth. The crown will be the same thickness as the layer of tooth removed so it will sit flush with your natural tooth. The dentist will place a temporary crown on which will prevent the tooth from becoming sensitive to hot and cold, it will also stop the tooth from moving while the crown is being made. Once the crown comes back from the lab, the dentist will remove the temporary crown and cement the permanent crown on.
What happens after the crown is cemented?
Crowns can last for many years if they’re cared for properly, although a crown is made from an artificial material and cannot decay, the tooth which supports the crown can still decay so this tooth should be brushed and flossed like any other tooth. Regular dental check-up/cleaning and diagnostic x-rays are recommended to reduce any risk of decay or inflammation of the gum surrounding this tooth.
What is a dental bridge?
A dental bridge is a form of tooth replacement that involves a crown on the tooth either side of a space which supports a false tooth.
When might you need a bridge?
A bridge can be used to fill a space where one or more teeth have been removed, it is a fixed alternative to a denture. A bridge is a great fixed option, especially if your adjacent teeth will benefit from being reinforced by crowns.
What happens during a bridge procedure?
A bridge is usually done over two appointments, in the first appointment the dentist will remove approximately 1mm of the outer layer of the two teeth that will support the false tooth. The dentist will then take a mould of your mouth so it can be sent to a lab to be made, if the bridge is being made for a front tooth, the dentist may also take some photos so the bridge can be painted/stained to look as similar as possible to your adjacent teeth. The crowns will be the same thickness as the layer of tooth that’s removed so it will sit flush with your natural tooth. The dentist will place some temporary crowns which will prevent the teeth from becoming sensitive to hot and cold, it will also stop the teeth from moving while the bridge is being made. Once the bridge comes back from the lab it will be cemented on.
What happens after the bridge is cemented?
Bridges can last for many years if they’re cared for properly, although a bridge is made from an artificial material and cannot decay, the teeth support the bridge can still decay so these teeth should be brushed and flossed like any other tooth. Regular dental check-up/cleaning and diagnostic x-rays are recommended to reduce any risk of decay or inflammation of the gum surrounding these teeth.
Don’t wait until you have a toothache- get your fillings checked by our team of dentists at Weston Dentistry and see if a crown can save your tooth!